34 Brothers
are a two-headed band creating pictorial electronic music.
Latest Works
All releases by 34 Brothers in chronological order.
"Der Zerfall"; The original movie soundtrack is out now! #OST
"Stranger's Memories"; What would we see if we had the chance to dip into another persons mind? #DancerAnaCotore #VideoContentByNoctulicaFilm
"Flighty Eyes"; A ambient experiment is available at the nice label identitaet-rec. #Time #Ambient #Experiment
"Ännie"; A very mixed theater soundtrack is available. German Schlager included! #OTS
"Arrival"; A music video about an alien visiting the earth. #Aliens
The first album "Listeners In Space" is available on all plattforms. #AliensListeningToUs #Album #Piano #InstrumentsTalking
This is a list of past scores and installations they made for theaters. #Old